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Bryson Reschke Utah

Relationship banking: How Bryson Reschke sets up Utah businesses for success

By 2.1 min read

December 22, 2021  | 

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Relationship banking: How Bryson Reschke sets up Utah businesses for success

2024-10-03T11:49:00-05:00By |Categories: Business|Tags: |

Bryson Reschke, vice president, business banking relationship officer discusses how he serves business clients in Utah, supports his local team, and the value of a relationship-first approach.

Vowing to lead through coaching

As a relationship officer in UMB Bank’s business banking group since the beginning of 2020, I have been directly involved in establishing UMB’s market presence throughout Utah. In today’s market, leaders must be nimble and I strive to lead by example with my team and with my clients.

During my more than 10 years of experience in the financial services industry, I experienced many managers who were not leaders. Once I reached management, I vowed to act as a leader; which meant spending less time behind a desk and more time coaching associates and coworkers. Effective leadership means being visible. Being a leader in banking isn’t just about revenue growth, it’s about being viewed as a trustworthy advisor and partner for clients at every stage of their business’s lifecycle.

Helping businesses navigate the pandemic

Over the past two years, I have turned my attention to the needs and successes of my clients, almost all of whom were impacted by COVID-19. From the early stages of the pandemic to now, I aided businesses by providing capital and consultation needed to navigate the storm and come out of the other side thriving. Additionally, I worked seven days a week throughout the heart of the pandemic to help customers apply and receive Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans. This work extended to supporting small businesses that were not UMB clients, but needed a banker to help them navigate the PPP process and ensure they could receive a critical financial injection.

As a relationship banker, I believe “a bank is a bank” – customers can receive similar financial products from any bank on their block. But, they cannot replicate the reliability and care that I deliver. I’m a banker, consultant, advisor, connector and sounding board for clients, prospects and business owners who cross my path. By building relationships with business leaders across industries and throughout the community, I’m able to connect people when they need services beyond my banking expertise. I stand alongside my clients to help them achieve the goals they’ve set for their businesses.  This approach helps grow UMB’s business while strengthening Utah businesses at a time when trustworthy banking relationships are needed most.

If you are interested in learning more about how UMB can help your business as a financial partner, visit our website

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About the Author:

Bryson serves as vice president, business banking relationship officer at UMB. He has more than 10 years of experience in the financial service industry.
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