We recently had a chance to visit the Wohlgemuth farm and talk with the family about the importance of having a good financial partner who can support farmers through all economic seasons and cycles. Wohlgemuth Farms is a large family grain farm that has been in operation since 1981 and a UMB client since 2016.

Building and maintaining relationships are at the heart of UMB’s core values. From an ag perspective, it’s important to be able to sit down at the table or walk the fields with a family or the owners of an operation like Wohlgemuth Farms and have honest, transparent discussions. We must be able to trust the farmers we work with and they in turn must be able to trust us—it’s a two-way street.

We offer our clients a personalized approach partnered with financial stability that ensures operations like Wohlgemuth Farms are continuously supported while focused on improving their business and bottom line so they can do the important work of feeding families for generations to come.

Our Agribusiness Division serves all areas of agriculture, including producers, processors, suppliers and manufacturers of equipment and goods, throughout a 12-state area. Learn more about what ag means to UMB and see some of our clients in action.