Back to school shopping doesn’t have to empty your bank account. These tips can help you plan out back to school expenses and help get your student ready.
Helpful tips to manage back to school spending
Start early
No one says you have to buy brand new supplies or clothes right before school starts. Shopping throughout the summer can help spread out expenses.
Tax-Free weekend
Research if your state offers a Tax-Free weekend and wait to buy supplies until then so you can save a little.
Watch for deals
Big box stores like Walmart, Target and Costco will always have a different deal running so see if what’s on sale is a school supply you need. Keep an eye out for clothing sales as well. Jeans and shoes usually go on sale during this time.
Have a back-up supply
If you can, watch for items to go on sale throughout the year and stock up when you can. Keep a supply of pencils, loose-leaf paper or folders in your storage area and pull items out when you need them.
With a little research and shopping when you can, you can manage the expense of returning to school.
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